Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hello Blogspot!

I'm completely new to this...not blogging...just blogspot. I have a tumblr, ( but I decided to create a blogspot as well. About me: I'm 17, a senior in high school, a sister, philanthropist, philosopher, dancer, music lover, beauty guru...and the list goes on. Pretty much, I'm a lot of everything. I have a strong sense of my own identity, but I am very multifaceted... There are so many different aspects to me it's ridiculous. Anywho, I moved here in hopes of finding more "authentic" blogging (something that is nearly obsolete on tumblr). My blog is a personal one. It is about my spiritual journey, personal life, hopes and dreams. I would write more, but I'm having a weird reaction to the change in scenery o_0 Soo...that's all for now!

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