Just as soon as I was going to make a post about being "worried" about something, a post came on my dash named "worry". I know this was nothing but God revealing something to me. I worry way too much. I allow anxiety and stress to consume me. I allow my energy to be stolen away by lack of faith and worrying; which both play along with one another hand in hand. The post I read really spoke to me. It was so relevant that it actually scared me. I need to master my lack of faith and worrisome attitude. I'm fully aware that it is easier said than done, but I'm almost positive that this is what God has been trying to reveal to me for a while now. How can a believer live life abundantly, if they are dominated by so many unGodly characteristics such as worry, fear, and lack of faith? I just want to get to my happy place. I feel like I sound ridiculous. I'm a 17 year old who sounds like a 40 year old going through a mid-life crisis. But yet and still, age does not reduce the prominence of the issue at hand; emotions are emotions for everybody, reguardless of age.
I need to reach a place when I actually have faith in God. I feel crazy to be such an adamant believer when I have not mastered one of the standard requisites of actually "believing" and that is to have faith. People's thoughts are very powerful. I like to always relate to a saying in the book Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer, your thoughts effect your emotions, your emotions effect your attitude, and your attitude leads to your behavior. It's all a trickle down effect. If my beginning spot is not positive, how can I expect anything else in my life to follow suit? As simple and as common sense-like it sounds, it is still a stigma on my life. How many other people struggle with lack of faith and negative thoughts? Regardless of age and even religious view, worry and anxiety is not good for anybody. I've never considered myself to be a pessimist, but maybe I should reevaluate. I'm always optimistic when things are going my way, but when it's the opposite my negative mentality kicks in almost immediately. Maybe being optimistic shouldn't be defined as being a positive person per say, but instead one's ability to be positive in the midst of negativity. In that case, I'm a full throttle pessimist; I must admit. I need to conquer my thoughts. Most studies say that it takes 30 days to break a habit, so I now challenge myself to break my habit of negative thinking in 30 days. Although, I know this will be very hard and may take well over 30 days, it is a stigma on my life that must be addressed.
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