Dear Lord,
I realize that you are the most powerful and all knowing; I also realize that I insult you due to my lack of faith in you Lord. Lord, please aid me in restoring my faith in you. Teach me to not lean unto my own understanding and depend solely on you. Give me the humility to realize that I cannot control anything except for me, and with that being said that me obsessing over an issue does not change the outcome. Lord, please replenish my mind and spirit. Make all I think and all I do positive and for the glory of your kingdom. Lord, please help me learn not to stress about situations and simply just use you as the answer to my problems. Lord, give me wisdom, discernment, and knowledge above my own. Jesus please guide me.
In your name I pray, Amen.
I love this prayer. I always need to remember to be postive and let the Lord do the rest. It kind of also reminds me of a prayer one of the brothers at my high school was famous for saying:
ReplyDelete"Lord help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I can't get through together."
Thank you so much for the nice comment on my blog! I'm following you back!
That’s So Fletch
xo, Jay